Graham Funeral Home
Joseph Peberdy Joseph Peberdy Joseph Peberdy Joseph Peberdy Joseph Peberdy
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Graham Funeral Home & Cremation Services
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
KK German
"My sympathies to family and friends who loved Joe."
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Condolence From: KK German
Condolence: Rarely a day goes by I don't remember Joe. Every day I go up and down the porch steps he built for me. He was a kind and sensitive soul and I hope he is doing better in the afterlife.
Wednesday October 17, 2012
Condolence From: Janice
Condolence: What a sad sad day. Joe was a man that worked himself to the bone, always wanted to make sure his kids were provided for and often went without and never complained. Joe will always be in my families heart. We grew very close. He was able to light up a room when he flashed his big beautiful smile. He was loved by many people and really didnt know it. With a life uphill from the start it seems that he was like a beautiful plant growing from a crack in a sidewalk, he flourished in spite of where he was planted and made the best of what he had. I am glad to have had him in my life.
Monday October 31, 2011
Condolence From: JR SMITH
Condolence: Joe sorry it got this in life ,but u will be loved and well missed ,and thanks for alot of the things u showed me how to do and the time u got my bike back ,hopefully ur happy and at peace
Thursday October 27, 2011
Condolence From: Robin Hewitt
Condolence: It's been many years since we saw each other but I have good memories of the time we shared. You gave me something great our daughter, Paige, with your eyes, nose and wonderful smile I have and will always see you in her. My thoughts and prayers are with your children, family and friends, may you rest in peace.
Thursday October 27, 2011
Condolence From: Autumn Wall Biniecki
Condolence: Joe your smile was so infectious and would light the night sky. It's been a few years but when our paths would cross you were a friend like we had always been in touch. I'll never forget our times together. May your family be able to remember that light and it ease their broken hearts to know you are at peace.

When I think back when you would have to call me three way through Lenny and we had to tell my mom you were in "Florida". Back in the old neighborhood of mischief and fun, I hope when you look down upon us all you smile. You will be truly missed.
Thursday October 27, 2011
Condolence From: Julie Humphrey
Condolence: My deepest sympathy and prayers go out to Joe and his family. Joe was a very special person, I loved Joe like a brother. Joe, you will be missed very much. I hope you are resting in peace.
Wednesday October 26, 2011
Condolence From: Connie Scott
Condolence: Joe was like a brilliant twinkling star in the dark night sky. I am praying that Joe is happy, safe, and free. My deepest sympathy and warmest thoughts to all that care so much for him.
Wednesday October 26, 2011
Condolence From: KK German
Condolence: Joe was one of the purest souls I have ever known. He was like a son to me and helped me a lot with repair projects. He was so talented but also truly humble. He will be sorely missed by all those who lives he has touched. Rest in peace, Joe, you were very much loved.
Wednesday October 26, 2011

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