Graham Funeral Home
Andrew Harris
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Graham Funeral Home & Cremation Services
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Condolence From: Mrs. Jordan
Condolence: To The Family, I read of your loss and want to express my deepest sympathy. I also want to share the comfort of John 5:28,29 which assures us that those who have fallen asleep in death will receive a "resurrection" back to life when the earth is restored to a paradise. Revelation 21:4 says, "He will wipe out every tear from their eyes and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore." While we await that wonderful time please find comfort in these promises. Sincerely,
Friday August 05, 2005
Condolence From: The Murff Family
Condolence: Karina, Jason, and family -- Our prayers for you, the family, your unborn daughter-- you are in our thoughts each day. The memories of Drew and his kindness to others will be remembered. He was a good friend. Morgan and Douglas send their sympathy to you. We wish you well.

Karina -- your reading of the letter to Drew was an amazing testiment to your husband. God Bless You.

Charles, Barbara, Morgan, and Douglas Murff
Wednesday August 03, 2005
Condolence From: Kal Hukkeri
Condolence: Karina, I am so sorry about Drew. I know it has been a while since I've seen you personally but I ran into Drew quite a bit in the last few months. I will always remember all of us going to prom together and sitting right next to Drew at graduation. He was such a great guy and a good friend. You will be in my prayers and if you need anything, please call me at 515-0316.
Tuesday August 02, 2005
Condolence From: mike adkins jr.
Condolence: Karina, drew and I became good friends during the short time that I was blessed to know him. I'm glad Drew came to work for canteen and we got a chance to meet. Before Drew got his own route, we had to sneak out some mornings so the managers wouldn't put him on another truck. We went through alot of trouble just to work together. We had a great time. When Christal comes along, you know I'll be there for you. mike.
Tuesday August 02, 2005
Condolence From: Evans Family
Condolence: Karina,
We are so sorry about Drew. He was a fine man and was so deeply in love with you. I remember when he asked you to marry him he stopped at the house and was just glowing with pride and love. If you need anything at all please let us know.God Bless you.
Jim,Christina,Jamie,Joel and Morgan Evans.
Monday August 01, 2005
Condolence From: Gloria Olson
Condolence: Karina - Our love and prayers are with you. You and your precious baby are in our hearts ... Love, The Olsons
Monday August 01, 2005
Condolence From: sandy mason
Condolence: my prayers are with karina and her family at this very hard time. i think of your lost often, please accept my deepest sympathy. sandy
Monday August 01, 2005
Condolence From: kaye allen
Condolence: Dear Harris Family,
I am so very sorry about Andrew's death.
I am available to assist in anyway if you need me
to. God Bless you all. Love, Kaye
Saturday July 30, 2005

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