In Memory of




Condolence From: Regina Thomann
Condolence: Stanley was a gift to humankind. His warmth, gentleness and care for others made him a bright beacon at Virginia Shores. As a volunteer for many years, I have encountered many individuals who as residents had lost hope and self confidence. Stanley stirred up the respect of self within each person by seeing and treating others with respect and care. Always desiring to look dapper, his jacket and ties made him the dapper being that he was. Don Quixote comes to mind when I think of see the presence of good and wonder in life's doldrums. One more angel in Heaven...I'm thankful for walking this earth in his lifetime. Rest in peace, at last! Dobranacz! Regina
Thursday December 15, 2005
Condolence From: Felix Reader
Condolence: Dear Family of Stanley Pelkoski; It was my priviledge to get to know Stanley in the Beacon Shores Nusing Home. He attended the Church Services provided by London Bridge Baptist each week. He shared portions of his life with us, and most importantly his faith in Jesus christ. I looked forward to seeing him each week. We shall miss him dearly. I can't think of a more fitting scripture than this on in "Isaiah 41:10" " Fear thou not for I am with you: be not dismayed for I am thy God: I will strengthen you; yes I will help you, yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness." May our god bless and keep you, in the days ahead.
Wednesday December 14, 2005
Condolence From: Mrs. Jordan
Condolence: To The Family, I read of your loss and want to express my deepest sympathy. I also want to share the comfort of John 5:28,29 which assures us that those who have fallen asleep in death will receive a "resurrection" back to life when the earth is restored to a paradise. God promises at Psalms 37:11, "The meek ones themselves will possess the earth, And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. Revelation 21:3,4 says, "He will wipe out every tear from their eyes and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore". While we await that wonderful time please find comfort in these promises. Sincerely,
Monday December 12, 2005